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Saturday, January 29, 2011

winter nail polish

Wanting to paint your nail but not sure what colors are in this winter ? Well winter is a time to get nice holiday colors. When thinking of colors to get this winter think of cool & clam colors. Here are some beautiful color to ware during the winter season. Gold is an all time favorite color to wear its nice and clam but can still pop any outfit . Another great color is black pearl this color is beautiful, cool and serene. And of course red and green are nice and traditional colors. These are just some of the basic  colors to get, there are many more beautiful colors for winter that are cool and clam.


black pearl

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

It's T-Shirt Time

Have you ever wanted to make a baggy T-shirt cute/fashionable? Well here's a couple of way to how to achieve this goal…
                                                  Get ready to cut!
Some ways you can make your T-shirt look cute is by cutting it.
One thing you can do to get that nice fitting look is cut the vertical seams (the lines that run up on the sides of you T-shirt). Then after that you cut strips inward towards the middle of the T-shirt. Depending how big you shirt is you will need more or less strips. Make sure you separate your cuts (strips) the about 1 inch or so. You should end up with two strips that you can easily make a bow with. To make a bow 1st take two pieces of the fabric (make sure it’s the one that is on top of the other) tie them together in knot, and then knot them again. Repeat this until there are bows going down the sides of the T-shirt.
For a tighter fit, cut the strips closer to the torso, and then tie the strips together.
Also to make the bows stand out wear a colorful tank top underneath, this with draw a person attention to the sides showing off the bows. 
Another great look is the off your shoulder look you can easily make this with any T-shirts. 1st cut the seam of the collar area. Then pick what said you want it to hang off of. After you pick what side cut the collar in a half curial form more toward the said you want it to hang off of. 
bows up close

bow t-shirt stlye

off the shoulder style

                                                            No time to cut?
Well 1st put on your t-shirt. Then Take all the extra fabric and gather it to one side. You can gather it either towards your back for a tight look fit or to the side for a cute fit.  Then you get a hand band and tie it like a ponytail. After that, you can you tuck in the extra fabric that you tied in your shirt.
Another way is to add a belt. If your t-shirt is really long, you can use a belt to make it shorter. Put the belt around your waist then pull the top half up so have that baggy look on the top.

tied in back stlye

tied on side stlye

belt with t-shirt stlye